Monday - Thursday : We are open for patients from 9.00am to 5.00pm (lunch 1.00pm - 2.00pm)
Friday : The clinic is not open for patients as this day is used for admin, maintenance, staff training and lectures / courses
In September 2021 we moved...
Into a new facility designed specifically for periodontal care and treatment.
We have ample parking space for patients, but when you arrive please ensure that you park in the spaces allocated to our practice. These are identified by notices on the kerb in each space. The parking is directly outside the practice and we have a disabled bay directly adjacent to the front door but if you require assistance please feel free to contact us in advance of your visit.
If you are using the above route plan (or for anyone using Google maps & some other systems), get local directions once you have turned off the A369 (the main road from the M5 to Clifton, Bristol), by clicking here . Google maps misdirects you to turn right at the last mini roundabout instead of left. Apple maps is correct and will direct you right to our front door.
For directions using other mapping sites, click the green link below
This will let you select from a list of mapping applications and will then generate a route from the site that you select
Our what3words address is : ///brand.jump.good
For information on this addressing system see https://what3words.com/about-us
Street Address